I am a critic of the President, but there is a difference.

I am very critical of President Obama. He is the President of the United States and I am a progressive, so as you can see, I would have a lot to be critical of. He has made decisions, policies, actions and inactions, that I have disagreed with; however, there is a difference between me and conservatives, I am critical of him for reasons based in reality, an area that conservatives rarely travel too.  I am a progressive, not an old school, bleeding heart politically correct liberal, and I am also a realist.  I also do not believe in hypocrisy. If you follow conservatives you will know that, since President Obama became President, they have lived in a world of hypocrisy.  It is astounding how hypocritical the right has become, which I will write about in the future. And it is amusing to see how hypocritical my conservative friends are. Mind blowing.   But, sadly, so are liberals. Which to me is enraging since we are supposed to be the adults room amongst the feces flinging children.

So in this blog you will see criticisms of POTUS when I disagree and praise when do I agree.